What is the Useful Life of an Inland Barge? And How Can it Be Extended?
A new barge with covers can cost around a million dollars and the tugs that pull them can cost far more, depending on the specifications.
Keeping Barge Operator Profits Afloat as Drought Ebbs and Flows
Year after year, drought conditions present a challenge across industries in the US, and the barge transportation industry is particularly hard-hit. Low river water levels
Creating a Freight Contract for Barges? Don’t Forget These Key Elements
At first glance, contracts might seem pretty cut-and-dry—and certainly not the key to efficient barging operations. But contracts are more than legalese: They can help
7 Tips for Making Your Barge Operations More Efficient
Like all businesses, there are things outside of a barge operator’s control, like bad weather or a congested waterway. However, companies can still do some
6 Things That Frequently Delay Barge Operations
In the barge transportation industry, time is money. If items are delayed in port or in transit, that can mean additional costs, not to mention
Growth on the Horizon for US Barging Operations: Navigating Towards Prosperity
The US barge transportation market is poised for significant expansion, with projections indicating substantial growth from its 2021 valuation of US$ 25,171.36 million to an
AWO’s Best Practices for Tugboat, Towboat, and Barge Industry
The American transportation landscape owes much of its efficiency and success to the often-unseen heroes of the tugboat, towboat, and barge industry. This vital sector